To find a City & County of Swansea Councillor

The City & County of Swansea have provided a website where anyone can search for a Councillor (and their contact details) by name, electoral division, political group or committee membership. However, if you are unsure who your Councillor is you can use the ‘Write to Them’ website to find out, please use this link for more details.

Find your Councillor by choosing from one of the lists on the CCoS’ website ( OR use their

For the purposes of this blog-post, the Councillors who have been involved in a Positive or Detrimental way concerning the future of Pennard Library, are as follows:

Councillor David Phillips, Labour; Castle Ward; Leader of the Council;

Councillor Nicholas Bradley; Labour, Townhill Ward;
Cabinet Portfolio = Regeneration

Councillor Rob Stewart, Labour, Morriston Ward;
Cabinet Portfolio = Finance & Resources

Councillor June Burtonshaw; Labour, Penderry Ward;
Cabinet Portfolio = Place

Councillor Peter Black BA, AM; Liberal, Cwmbwrla Ward;

Councillor Lynda James BA (Hons) MSc; Independent, Pennard Ward;

Councillor Keith Marsh, Independent, Bishopston Ward;

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